What does this mean?
Our motto of being a River Hero pertains to individuals who have taken on the responsibility of being proactive leaders in matters related to river safety, etiquette, conservation and stewardship.
What is Conservation?
The act of protecting biological diversity, maintaining and restoring habitats, enhancing ecosystem services and protecting species from extinction.
What is River Stewardship?
The direct action of taking care of and advocating for a river.
River etiquette
- Practice ‘Leave No Trace’ guidelines
- Plan ahead and prepare
- Travel and camp on durable surfaces
- Dispose of waste properly
- Leave what you find
- Minimize campfire impacts
- Respect wildlife, landowners and other river users
- Be considerate of other river users
- Have voice control pets or leave them at home
- Know and obey all rules and regulations
- Use only established access and portage sites and minimize impacts to shore when launching, portaging, scouting or taking out.
- Examine but do not touch any historical artifacts
- Do not trespass on private property
- No glass
- Be courteous and polite when communicating with other river users.
- Avoid Interfering with the recreational activities of others.
Projects supporting River Conservation and water protection
- Wet Meadows Restoration and Building Project
- Click here to Take Action!
- Water Education Colorado – Citizen Guides
- Volunteer with American Whitewater
Ways to conserve Gunnison county water
- Lessen up while you freshen up
- Try the 5 minute shower challenge!
- Turn off water while brushing teeth.
- Use the dishwasher and washing machine instead of handwashing.
- Let food thaw in the fridge instead of running it under cold water.
- Lose the leaks.
- Faucet and toilet leaks lead to lots of lost water.
- Toss trash, don’t flush it!
- Go native and limit turf in landscapes.
- Water at dusk or dawn
- Skip the crewcut grass
- Keep lawns at least three inches tall to encourage deeper roots.
- When it rains, use it!
- Skip watering if it recently rained or rain is in the forecast.
- Use rain barrels to capture rainfall for later use on plants and flowers.